happy christmas! I hope your teapot is visited by good friends and cheer and happiness today, and I shall look forward to catching up with you all on the other side! With lots of love, Clara XX ...
silent night? From Lucky Wish Mouse White Christmas. I hope your Tinies are excited and happy today. And when they’re all tucked up in their chocolate-box bed tonight that you get – is it too much...
koumpounophobics – look away now! The humble button: THE defining object of my year. Have you got a minute? (because no one’s particularly busy around this time of year, of course) – I would...
I Heart Bedtime The thing about book covers is, it’s like shopping for something lovely to wear for an extra special occasion. Because it matters more, somehow you can’t find a single thing. Covers...
bunny hat! My sensational bunny hat, made for me by Josie Armand Smith. Who also made that dear little felty guinea pig and brown rabbit. (they are not actually attached – but maybe they should be, on VERY...
Muffin! Muffin, the yummiest small brown bear. Likes: iced buns party hats rosettes jumping on beds tobogganing nice surprises in paper bags I strongly believe there’s a small bear in us all, don’t...
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Clara X
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download or listen to the bedtime bunnies song
[wpaudio url="https://claras.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/bedtimebunnies.mp3" text="Bedtime Bunnies Song"]