my very own young fiction series



It’s always A Sign when I buy a themed new notebook, pens and pencil case.
I’m all about the grave and important things, me.

I’ve kept this a secret for AGES, but my news is that for the first time ever I’ve written a longer story, a young fiction series in fact.

At first I was a bit shy about it – could I do this? was I a real author? – but I made a start…


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sometimes I pulled at a thread and the whole thing unravelled, but I carried on and it grew and grew…

and now I’ve just written the satisfying words THE END and the first story will be published next spring!

I am so looking forward to introducing my new character. I hope you like her.
More soon, but in the meantime, given my new stationery and my character’s small doodle of her own favourite hero, I wonder if you can guess her name?

