Hoping it’s a really good one.
I couldn’t post anything Christmassy because there were so many hits on my post about Polly and me that my bandwidth was stretched beyond capacity –
– which seems somehow fitting at Christmas when our waist-bandwidth is much exceeded too.
I don’t hold much with new year’s resolutions – they always seem too puritanical; it seems such a waste of a life. I do not want to have written on my gravestone: here lies Clara Vulliamy, who spent much of her life wishing she was slim, sober or solvent yet very rarely was.
But if I do make any, it will be to find a pair of tights that stay up and to make a Baked Alaska and get it RIGHT this time.
So, my wish for us all is for a year ahead that is fun and fruity, and for those of us back to work today or soon and feel as if we are being fired out of a cannon I hope we can at least enjoy the view!
Happy New Year Clara
And to you and yours, Sarah, I hope it’s a really good one! xx
Happy New Year Clara – you are funny! xxx
Funny peculiar or funny haha?!? Thank you Hannah, and a very Happy New Year to you too! xx