and a sentimental afternoon…



Today I had a huge sort out of our enormous library of family books, now that our children are grown up.
Bag after bag lined up in the hall waiting to be taken to the charity shop.
It brought unexpectedly powerful feelings, as the years fell away and I sat on the floor leafing though the books we had shared. Rather too many were put back on the shelves. Not all of them revered classics or handsome hardbacks, in fact lots of manky cheap books still with faint evidence of toast crumbs, some not even terribly good, but oh so loved.

I wonder if you can’t be truly sure which the treasures are going to be until much later: some bring it all back, the books that were read time after time, for hours and hours, in companionable cosiness; some I can’t even remember at all.

But if you’ve really laughed together,




and really cried,




these are treasures I cannot bear to give away.