warm hats for Dixie and Percy!
By seasonal coincidence the artwork on my drawing board this week sees Dixie and Percy all wrapped up in warm clothes.
I’m thinking a deerstalker for Dixie. Tying up earflaps if you already have long ears appeals to me.
For Percy it is knitted little number, maybe striped, maybe pink. But the really pressing issue, on a level as must have vexed Michelangelo as he painted the Sistine Chapel, is…
bobble or no bobble?
I think he can get away with a bobble (it’s not something I usually put on hats I make), for a split second I thought his ears were part of his hat, but I think that’s too much time spent researching animal hat knitting patterns for my little boy!
Hello Katherine, I’m so happy to hear your little boy will have animal ears on his hat – he will be Dixie and Percy’s little pal! But very well spotted, thank you, I will clearly differentiate Percy’s real ears from the wooly knit…
I’m leaning toward the bobble. To me it makes it look more like a winter cap. Either way…… they both look adorable. I think it’s the smile. I really like Dixie’s cap.
Thank you for calling by Terri! I’m leaning towards the bobble too, I agree it is more wintry.
And I’m so glad you like their smiles…
I’m very fond of bobbles myself, having had a lovely hat with a bobble when I was a child. Mine was red and knitted by my mum. Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you Anne! A bobble is a very fine thing, and a lovely word.
I like to think that Percy’s hat was knitted by his mum too – I can see her now… I must ask MY mum to include Dixie’s and Percy’s parents, or maybe add in a couple of photographs on the mantlepiece!
Bobble! What’s not to love about a bobble? Love your illustrations!
Hi Angela, thanks so much for calling by, and for your kind words!
What indeed…