A rainy day magically transformed into one of absolute delight…
Dixie and Percy were beside themselves with excitement to receive their very own teeny tiny mail through the letter box.
How could it be from? Percy was allowed to see first.
A miniature masterpiece – from beautiful Celestine!
(just in case you have not already met her, she is the creation of Victoria Stitch, real life name Harriet Muncaster, who is one of the most amazing illustrators and such a talented creative person. See Celestine being a witch’s cat, to celebrate Harriet’s book ‘I am a Witch’s Cat’). Top tip – follow her on twitter and find out more)
And yes, the letter really is this small.
the loveliest of letters. I love the expression ‘I always have to rely on pockets.’
With their hearts aflutter, Dixie prepares to write a reply, while Percy looks after the Pringles.
Oh how marvellous! I am so glad you two are miniature-chums. I taught Harriet at Cambridge Art School and she is lovely and funny and clever and a bit of a star. You have a lot in common with her!
Oh OF COURSE – I remember! How very fitting that she was your student and we have all found a different path through to being pals. Thank you James, for your kind words and for the introduction!
Oh how lovely, miniature stuff is a lot of fun, especially miniature letters!
YES! I have kept my childhood love of tiny worlds – homemade dolls houses and matchboxes containing miniature scenes… I have a memory of a very small moving train set inside a musical box, but possibly I imagined it.
There’s something very magical and absorbing about these things. Is it something your son is drawn to too?