ready, steady…


The countdown begins in earnest now as there’s only a matter of DAYS until publication of Dixie O’Day in The Fast Lane…
pre-order it from Waterstones here for a first edition to treasure!
The first copies for review are motoring their way to lots of different people, and lots of lovely compliments are winging their way back to us.
See this gorgeous little Vine movie from The Book Sniffer



Meanwhile Mum and I are super-busy.
There are bookplates to sign…



and there’s racing-check-bunting to make…



thank goodness there’s still some of Clare’s Dixie jam left to sustain us!



AND there’s a rare chance to hear us both in conversation at Waterstones Piccadilly, our very first Dixie event, for grown ups, on Wednesday August 21st at 6.30pm. Tickets and info here.

Foot on the accelerator, raring to go…