in my eager paws AT LAST!


Do I look happy at all in this picture?
After years of secret whispering, then months of furious writing and drawing, at last the first REAL advance copies of Dixie O’Day In the Fast Lane have arrived!
Book-geeky-alert, but it truly is an object of great beauty – wonderful cover finishes, square spine (yippee!), thick luscious paper, HIGHLY strokable, smells heavenly…
‘Can I keep this copy?’ I asked, putting it under my cardy and making a run for the door.



And what’s this? Key *Team Dixie* member Clare has made DIXIE JAM!
In this picture I’m clearly trying to think about literature but the thought bubble above my head says CRUMPETS…

Here’s the rest of the gang – designer Ness and editor Andrea, both outrageously talented and wonderful company…



But of course the most important person in Team Dixie is yet to be in the picture.
I shall be taking the book – and the jam! – over to my Mum’s house tomorrow for very special teatime treats, and I have to say I absolutely CANNOT WAIT.