a treat for you from me, made with love
I’ve been hopping with impatience to share this with you, and AT LAST I can!
In Martha and the Bunny Brothers I Heart Bedtime, Martha sings the Bedtime Bunnies Song to Monty and Pip. And with only a few days to go until publication – yippee! – you can download it and join in.
You’ll find it on the homepage sidebar. There’s also a little film with me showing my homemade musical instrument. The song is sung for you by my own lovely Martha: my Martha and bunny-Martha have a lot in common, sharing a lot of the same DNA and both being sunshiny heaven-on-a-stick, so I’m sure you’ll agree she does a very perfect job.
So why not order your copy, get into your snuggliest pj’s and sing the Bedtime Bunnies Song with us!
Ohh I’m at work right now, drowning in indie and sunshine, but as soon as I get home tonight I’m going to sit at the computer with H and have a good listen – so exciting- she’ll love it I’m sure!
(and if she’s good at nursery today she’ll be getting a copy of Lucky Wish Mouse White Christmas we’ve had put to one side for her to reward her – the one with the toy – she’ll be one happy girl!)
Also! We got the Alfie book from the World Book Day selection and she loves it – we’re having a good week with your family!
Triple thank you! It sounds as if you’ve been having quite a Hughes-Vulliamy week!
It’s lovely to hear from you, and please give dear H a big bunny hug from me – it would be lovely to see her again soon XX
Will do! It has been – I’ve been telling her this is by Clara’s mummy (I think she gets it!) – which was nice!
Did the Clapham thing ever look like being rescheduled? But yes, it’d be lovely to see you soon! Especially now it’s getting brighter – I’m dying to get outside again, if only it wasn’t so cold.
Yes, I love these light mornings – what a difference it makes – but the wind is through to the bone today.
You’ve reminded me, I must get on to the Clapham thing.
I’ll let you know what’s coming up – thank you for asking! X
That is probably…no… DEFINITELY my favourite thing ever. I am so impressed by your musical instrument making skills. I mustn’t show it to Bill because he will rightly surmise that it is a LOT more fun to practice and play than his viola.
Delicious x
Thank you very much Polly! I know you’ve heard me singing it, at the Imagine festival, which was not quite such a treat…
I’m afraid to say, I used to throw my viola across the room in frustration, so poor was I playing it, but it’s MUCH more impressive in the long run.
Bill has yet to throw his viola but is on his third bow- the first two having proved Just Too Tempting to practice Ninja stick moves with…
(I didn’t know about your secret viola-playing past. I shall have to send Bill round to moan in a sympathetic ear about it one of these days)
I bet they are really impressive Ninja stick moves, and who knows might be more essential in the long run.
Send him over – send them BOTH over, you know how I not-so-scretly covet your sons!
All the best people play violas. Although mine’s currently out on loan (haven’t played for years, but don’t tell anyone).
My Martha and I have just listened to the Bedtime Bunny Song 7 time in a row, halfway through the middle of reading Lucky Wish Mouse Starting School, which we have also just discovered!
Wow! That little instrument is something very special. You are so clever!
Love the song, and well done to your Martha for singing it.
OMG you are a genius! How on earth did you manage to make music from hole punched paper? Quick, get it onto Dragon’s Den!!!
THANK YOU, Luci, how hugely kind of you to say so! I do love tinkering about with bits and pieces – just work-avoidance, to be honest…
I’ve been loving your blog posts, and voted for you in the brilliance in blogging awards…X
Awesome! Just awesome! Are there no ends to your talents?!
Jolly nice ring too!
Just brilliant – I’m smiling from ear to ear – can’t wait to show Kitty tomorrow x
Well thank you so much old bean! The end of my talents is reached very quickly, alas.
I’m so pleased you noticed my teacup ring – it bring me good luck (and a tiny cup of tea, if urgently needed)…