Arrived in the post and greeted with whoops and cheers – the cover for Martha and the Bunny Brothers I Heart Bedtime.
Beautiful type, gorgeous colours, bunnies up close and cuddly.
A new cover is like Martha coming down stairs all dressed up, saying ‘Look at me! Aren’t I pretty?’
HUGE thanks to my best pals at HarperCollins.
I Heart James & Helen!
As you can see, everyone is very calm and sleepy and winding down for bedtime in Martha’s world…
What a fab looking cover very appealing & those pyjamas are just fab
Thank you so much Damyanti – I’m really pleased you like it! X
ohhh it looks gorgeous! Can’t wait!!
Thank you so much Jo – can’t wait to show you! X
That is so cute!!
Thank you very much for saying so Helen! X