To celebrate the paperback publication of Lucky Wish Mouse Starting School, published by Orchard Books, I shall be giving away some copies of the book with a special little mouse hand-drawn by me inside. It’s a competition especially for your Tinies to enter!
In this story ALMOST all the Tinies are hugely looking forward to starting school…
except the twin Tinies, who are feeling anxious.
But of course as soon as Lucky Wish Mouse has encouraged them with a few cheerful words, and they arrive in their lovely new school (in this miniature world, the school is inside a pencil tin)…
they are a happy as can be.
I do love a book with a sweet, reassuring message and an enormous amount of detail to pour over.
And as anyone who knows me won’t need reminding, I’m also slightly mad about teeny tiny things.
Oh, I got distracted!
The competition!
Calling all small people!
Here are the twin Tinies imagining their worst fear, being lost in a sea of mice!
How many mice are there in this picture?
(I know because I counted them as I drew them, like a HUGE class register…)
The children who guess closet will win!
That is absolutely gorgeous, Clara. Gosh, you do work hard…
Thank you Anne, that is so kind of you to say… I suppose I do work hard – but only do a lot of one thing!
My 4 y.o. son says “eleventy billion” and my 2 y.o. girl says “one” so perhaps we can go somewhere in the middle, like one thousand? By the way, I adore the ten little pencil cases, apples and satchels!
Thank you so much Helen! And how clever your two are, because it IS somewhere between eleventy billion and one…
I’m not much of a numbers person really, and think that the only interesting numbers are none, one and loads!
Son started counting but after 5 declared there was ‘too many ‘ so has opted for 98 trillion, when I asked daughter to count them she said ‘noooooo’ ( that’s her favourite word) and being the biggest kid my guess is 123 (the librarian side of me wants a logical order). We love lucky wish mouse & her miniature world
Your son managed a gallant effort, and I get that ‘nooooooo’ feeling sometimes too.
(But the librarian’s guess wasn’t half bad!)
Thank you for your kind words!
Oh that looks like such a beautiful book, the story and detail looks gorgeous. My seven year old came up with some sort of mathmatical theory and he reckons 736?!? I have no idea how he came up with that!
Thank you very much, Nikki, for calling by and your kind words.
(I don’t know how he did it, but your son’s guess wasn’t half bad!!!)
When I asked my daughter Rosie she opened her eyes wide and said ‘Lots’! I asked her to say a big number and she yelled ‘Six, six, six’. Ominous, but there’s our guess: 666!
Hello Louise and Rosie, how lovely to *meet* you both! Your guess may be the mark of the devil, but I have to say – not at all bad, pretty close!!
oh wow wow wow why have i never twigged who you were before! your pretty famous, (ha ha sorry about that!) at ronnies nursery.
ronnie has very confidently said 639, why? because that’s how many mummy
so there you go!
I’m very flattered and chuffed to hear that, thank you! Ronnie’s guess is actually very close – so well done him!!
Mabel starts school in September. Third child so she seems all prepared , but let’s wait until 8.30 on the Monday morning!
We think 745…
Thanks x
Hello Lucy and Mabel, thanks so much for calling by! How great to hear she’s taking it all in her stride – and why not… who says it HAS to be hugely traumatic??
Very good guess, too! X
What a wonderful looking book! We have Tom and Small out of the library at the mo, and my son (who is also a Tom) loves it to pieces. He doesn’t start school for another year, but he is losing a lot of his nursery friends to ‘big boy school’ in a few weeks, so the themes are still relevant.
Tom wanted two guesses – 843 and 863 – but when I told him he had to plump for one he went with 843.
Another Vulliamy caught my eye as I was reading the paper tonight & I was curious enough to google. I knew you were brilliant but I had no idea you were part of a DYNASTY! What a talented family you are 🙂 xxx
Hello Ruth, how lovely to hear from you – and hello Tom! A VERY good guess, duly noted, and he plumped the right way too…
and so glad you’re been enjoying Tom and Small!
Also delighted to hear you spotted some other members of the Vulliamy clan. Yes indeed, having Shirley Hughes as my mum and Ed Vulliamy as my big brother is quite a lot to live up to but makes for a lot of lively chat around the supper table!
Child3 says 592 and 594. Why two numbers, and why no 593 I do not know.
Hello Elli!
Wow – Child3 is unbelievably close…
This book looks fabulous! My boy can only count up to 16, so I’m going to add a 6 to that and guess 616!
Hello Di, lovely to hear from you and thank you for joining in! You were just in time – and you are very very close indeed!
Winners will be announced this evening…