the winners!


What brilliant answers as to how many mice in the picture! I really loved them all – thank you so much to everyone who took part.
There were guesses from eleventy billion and 98 trillion down to 1. But extraordinarily the rest were bunched very closely around the right number…
I double checked and triple-checked,



and the answer is 624.
We only have winners here at Sunny Side Up, so a signed copy – complete with a personalised drawing of a Tiny Mouse – of Lucky Wish Mouse Starting School



is on it’s way to:
Tom, Livia, Mabel, Ronnie, Rosie, Nikki’s son, Di’s son, Damyanti’s son, Helen’s son & daughter, and Elli’s Child3.

Meanwhile, you might like to hop over to Playingbythebook to find the mini-books Zoe & I have made for you to print out and make, on the subject of starting school.

And last of all, I said I had a secret to share…
when I was doing this book, drawing those 624 mice took longer then I thought it would and I ran out of time. So I gave my daughter Martha (who I call the REAL Martha, not my Bunny Martha!) a spare pink pencil and we coloured in the ears and noses together!
But sshhh, don’t tell my publishers. How lucky the internet is so private…