We were a little bit rabbit and little bit pug yesterday, as me and my old friend Emma AKA The Book Sniffer went on a marvellous trip to Bocketts Farm, near Leatherhead.
We’re finding it ever more tempting to pop a little somebody into our handbags or under our hats when we leave.
These are some the contenders…
It’s such a great place for a visit, and it’s THE season too, with lots of babies to see.
And how I am meant to walk past something like this??
Most irresistible by far was a very small chap that Emma brought along. I think she might have noticed if I’d done a runner with him, though.
And when I was heading home I found in the passenger seat a goody-bag of gifts just for lucky me:
Yes, that IS gin & tonic soap.
Thank you Emma for a lovely lovely day!
Are you going somewhere nice this weekend? Do share any top tips!
You must visit Vauxhall City Farm sometime. Much smaller, and full of urban grit, but the animals are adorable and the farm does fantastic work with local children, many of whom come from very deprived backgrounds and never get a chance to go to the real countryside.
It’s been on my must-do list for ages – I WILL! Thanks so much for the tip. Sounds brilliant.
Do let me know if you’re going – we live very nearby.
Thank you so much – I sure will!
Ohh I’ve never been to Bocketts Farm – H went with a friend once and had an amazing time. We went to Godstone Farm (near Redhill) last weekend though which was lovely – although as it was so hot we didn’t get to do everything there – and it was for a party, though it was quite pricey – I hate it when they charge for over 2’s and you don’t get much change from it!!
The animals look soooooo dinky!
Hello Jo, thanks for the tip about Godstone Farm – that’s quite handy for me… was there a playground for Holly to enjoy there too? But yes, I’m quite shocked at entry prices these days, once you’ve bought your elevenses and small slightly rubbish souvenir etc…
Godstone has a huge wooden play area – and a massive sandpit – it was great! One of her nursery friends had her party there, so it was soft play for the first hour, food for the second then running around the grounds and the play area for the last bit – it definitely worked off the chocolate cake 🙂
There was even time for the animals in between as well!
The worst one for entry fees was Battersea Park Zoo – it was great, but oh my – so expensive.
oh! and we’ve got Deen City Farm really close to here too – worth doing on a sunny day – you can park at Morden Hall Park (our local National Trust place) and walk there within about ten minutes – and it’s free to get in. Plus if you’re really lucky you’ll get to see a Croydon Tram 🙂
Another really top tip too – thanks so much! That has everything going for it – I’ll definitely be going…
We really like having a list of day trips, with picnic spots and walks especially.
I used to visit Vauxhall City farm practically daily when I worked in Vauxhall as an admin assistant for a development charity. I had forgotten that! I loved it. I would bring my lunch and sit there. It must have been free…it’s about 20 years ago now…Thanks for reminding me Elli. You must certainly go, Clara.
There are some lovely petting zoos in Kent. ‘Farming World’ is popular – and, in a more exotic way, you can ‘walk with lemurs’ (no petting) at Howletts.
Two great recommendations Anne, thank you so much!
It’s lovely to think of you having your lunch at Vauxhall City Farm. Happy days!
That’s amazing – we’re just down the road! Well about 15 minutes’ walk away, but these things are all relative! My dad was actually instrumental in setting up the farm back in the mid ’70s. Do you know St Peter’s church, right next to the farm? That’s where we got married (and go of a Sunday). Really beautiful building, but hardly anyone knows about it.
Just had a recommendation from @jimatbiggin for Christmas Tree Farm at Downe in Kent near Orpington… it’s a really good list we have here!
I was trying to remember the one I went to in primary school (so, er, 30 years ago!) and managed to dredge out the name ‘Guiting Power’. There still seems to be one: http://www.cotswoldfarmpark.co.uk/ but it looks much bigger than the teeny place I remember. The best bit was that you could buy feed pellets and feed all of the animals, for something like 10p per cup (yes, it was 30 years ago…) 🙂
Brilliant! Strangely I remember it too, from when I was small. We must have been on holiday nearby. The animal feed bags are the best bit: the at first slightly worrying then actually quite nice feeling of the animals’ mouths in your hand! I do rush to the wash-basins pretty sharp-ish, though…
We had a lovely trip to Bockett’s farm a few weeks ago, and it’s the farm I used to take my Year 1 class to as well. It’s fabulous to be able to feed all the sheep and goats, and the babies are so adorable. Did you managed to watch the pig race? It’s almost as good as the Derby!
Hello Jude, how lovely to *see* you here!
When my two (nearly grown-up) heard that there were four sets of twin-goats just born we all went back there yesterday: it was so nice (and so quiet and peaceful due to the poor weather)… and so funny, lining up with the toddlers for ‘small animal handling’!
Alas, we’d gone before the pig-racing – perhaps I’ll have to go back again today!
Bockettes farm over godstone farm all day everyday