a sneaky peek as the countdown begins…


Calling all happy bunnies everywhere – I’ve got news!
I’m hopping up and down in proper bunny-style with excitement: Martha and the Bunny Brothers I (heart) School! – the first book in the series – will be published on March the 29th.



And to celebrate we will be launching

The Happy Bunny Club!



It’s all a bit hush hush right now, so I won’t give too much away.
I’ll be handing over to Martha to run the Club…

There will be a membership pack of goodies sent out to everybody who would like to join up, and lots of fun things to do and make here on the blog in a special Club area. We really want it to be a friendly, welcoming place where we can all call by and share some Bunny Sunny Side Up happy thoughts and news. And it wouldn’t surprise me at all if Martha rushes around sending personal messages of the ‘well done’, ‘happy birthday’ and ‘good luck’ kind on all special occasions…



So watch this space: only 9 days to go!